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Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly
  • Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly
  • Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly
  • Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly
  • Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly

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Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly

Free Shipping over $249.

Codigo del articulo:ACC-WT-022

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Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly
Printer Compatibility: Mutoh VJ-1604E / Mutoh VJ-1614
Net Weight: 500g/pc
Packing Size: 24cm x 19.5cm x 16cm
Gross Weight: 1497g/pc
Manufacturer: Ving parts


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nao entendi a conversao de dolar americano para real brasil
By gr3grafica from Chile Apr 26,2024
Hi dear, Our exchange rate is based on the international real-time exchange rate. At the top left corner of our website, we offer a choice of languages and currencies in different countries. Can help customers with shopping. I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you have any questions. overseas09@sign-in-china.com
Por Sign-in-china Apr 28,2024
vc tem original mutoh vj1624
By gr3grafica from Chile Apr 26,2024
Hi dear. Thanks for your question. Sorry for Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly, it's out of stock. Please feel free email me if you have any questions. overseas09@sign-in-china.com
Por Sign-in-china Apr 28,2024
vc tem original mutoh vj1624
By gr3grafica from Chile Apr 26,2024
Hi dear. Thanks for your question. Sorry for Generic Mutoh VJ-1604E Solvent Resistant Pump Capping Assembly, it's out of stock. Please feel free email me if you have any questions. overseas09@sign-in-china.com
Por Sign-in-china Apr 28,2024
The price include motor, pump , cap station and wiper? Is compatible with Micolor ?
By furdui from Lithuania Aug 02,2019
Hi,many thanks for your questions,the price only include pump capping assembly,and this part is only suitable for Mutoh VJ-1604E.
Por Sign-in-china Aug 06,2019
Is this item available? I have a VJ-1204 needs a maintenance assembly Can you ship one UPS air? Cost??
By markpub from Brunei Apr 05,2019

Dear Friend,thanks for your question.Here below is the correct maintenance assembly for Mutoh VJ-1204.We have it on stock.May i know where you want to ship?We can ship to you by air.Please kindly reply to my mailbox of overseas09@sign-in-china.com.


Por Sign-in-china Apr 08,2019
Hi, Is this item compatiable with 1204A?
By john from Saudi Arabia Jan 09,2019

Dear Friend,thanks for your question.I am sorry,this item is not compatible with 1204A.Here below is pump assembly of the link for the 1204A.


Por Sign-in-china Jan 09,2019
Compatível com Mutoh VJ-1624?
By tecplotterrn from Chile May 16,2017

Caro amigo, SIM, é compatiable com vj-1624.any Mais perguntas, por favor entre EM Contato Comigo pelo MEU e - mail de overseas09@sign-in-china.com

Dear Friend,yes,it is compatiable with VJ-1624.Any more questions,please contact with me by my email of overseas09@sign-in-china.com.



Por Sign-in-china May 16,2017
is this compatible for MUTOH VJ 1614?
By Pagounas from Ethiopia Feb 17,2017

Dear Friend,thanks for your question.Yes,this Pump Capping Assembly is compatiable with Mutoh VJ-1614.Please order it online directly.Any more questions,please contact with me freely.My email:overseas09@sign-in-china.com

Por Sign-in-china Mar 01,2017
Will it work on a vw-1604a And how long till we would receive to 92227
By Allcleanmobile from Brunei Jan 16,2017

Hi friend, many thanks for your question, it is use for Mutoh VJ-1604E / Mutoh VJ-1614 / Mutoh VJ-1204 / Mutoh VJ-1304 / Mutoh VJ-1624 / Mutoh VJ-1604A, for more concerns, welcome E-mail to overseas03@sign-in-china.com, thanks.

Por Sign-in-china Jan 16,2017
It is compatible with Micolor SJ1645?
By danielwmkt from Chile Nov 01,2016

Hi friend, many thanks for your question, it's not compatible, please check the link to confirm if it is what you are finding:http://www.sign-in-china.com/searchs/acc-rol-002-sj.html

Por Sign-in-china Nov 02,2016
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